The Total Body Fitness Mission
Our commitment is to educate and motivate individuals to reach their optimum fitness potential and inspire them to continue reaching on their own. Being fit is for everybody, not just for athletes.
This is why Total Body Fitness and Wellness can help. We provide supervised personal training to ensure proper exercise techniques which help you achieve better results and reduce injuries. Our exercise routines are customized to help you reach your personal fitness goals including weight loss, muscle building and muscle toning, improving core strength, or just living "a better quality of life".
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Contact Us
Total Body Fitness
75 Rosedale Avenue West
Unit 1
Brampton, On.,
L6X 4H4
Tel: 905-463-2013
E-mail: tbfitnessinc@gmail.com
About Us
If you've ever trained in a conventional gym, you know how distracting that environment can be.
Weights bang, music blares, even in a home gym distractions are unavoidable. At Total Body Fitness in Brampton, we believe that a private personal training studio is essential for effective communication between you and your personal trainer as you don't compete with anyone else for your personal trainer's attention. There's no time wasted waiting to use machines or equipment which means shorter yet more effective workouts. You will find it much easier to focus on yourself, and with your personal trainer's one on one help, get all the attention and expertise you deserve! We want to ensure your total body health and wellbeing.